Call Center
It's 2am and nobody's answering your post on Chief Delphi...
FIRST Forums won't be staffed for hours...
Where do you go for answers?

The Call Center is your lifeline during build season. We provide a 24/7 chat service for teams needing a bit of help. Over the years, we’ve learnt that teams old and new alike may encounter problems in build season that they need assistance with.
This Call Center is staffed by award-winning teams from around the world including 125 NUTRONs, 449 The Blair Robot Project, 503 Frog Force, 840 Aragon Robotics, 900 Zebracorns, 971 Spartan Robotics, 1241 THEORY6, 1403 Cougar Robotics, 1868 Space Cookies, 2826 Wave Robotics, 3132 Thunder Down Under, 4481 Rembrandts, 4911 Cyberknights, 5951 Makers Assemble, 5985 Project Bucephalus, 6170 Tecmilenio Vitronik, 6429 4th Dimension and 7285 Sneaky Snakes. The idea is to create a place where teams around the world can have immediate access to help and advice when needed.

We're always looking for teams to get involved. Interested in helping staff our call center?
To get started, just follow these 3 steps:
Create an account at
Follow this link to join the server
Head to the #bot-commands channel and type in +start teamnumber (eg. +start 9999)
For more detailed instructions, read this document.