Hear For You
The robotics scene is an exhilarating experience dotted with the joy and satisfaction of building a robot and competing: an energetic environment that would not initially appear to induce stress or anxiety.

With mental health being such a big, broad and important topic, we're hoping to get an understanding of the view points, concerns, best practices and available resources in the FIRST Community.
Our main goal is to make mental health wellness as common and comfortable of a topic as safety among students, teachers, coaches, mentors, volunteers and event staff.
With the help of others, we're hoping to collect information to get an understanding of our community's needs, existing resources and best practices. With that information we hope to use this collaborative platform to develop pathways and avenues to better serve and support the members in our community.
Connect on the Hear For You Facebook Page, Community Group, Community Google Drive, Instagram and find a variety resources on the Hear For You Pinterest Page!
If you or your team are interested in helping with Hear For You, shoot us an email! Please indicate if you are just interested in contributing resources, helping develop the Quiet Rooms, or any other type of involvement. Under "Type of Assistance" please list if you're interested in giving help, getting help, hosting a quiet room, providing resources or something else.